Monday, March 14, 2016

Sharon B Burgess Unraveled Faith

The huge congregations, the dazzling technological productions, the excitement, the influence in the community – what’s not to love about a megachurch? But more congregational experts are sharing their concerns on why smaller churches may not want to emulate one. Some concerns include findings that megachurch congregations tend to be less committed to attendance and that each church has a unique style, so the megachurch “formula,” so to speak, isn’t for everyone. “A church is meant to serve God and engage members to be participants, not mere members,” says Sharon B. Burgess, who grew up the daughter of a pastor in a small rural town in South Carolina, church. In addition to the above concerns, Burgess has had personal experience attending a megachurch, where, behind the scenes, there are often unscrupulous practices. That may include church leaders who get the rock star treatment and think of themselves as such, rather than as God’s servant. “An unethical pastor is like a wolf in sheep’s clothing,” says Burgess, author of the new novel “Unraveled Faith,” (, which pulls back the curtains of a megachurch and examines what a true love relationship between God and man should be. The story is told from the perspective of a recently divorced single mother who is seeking spiritual significance. “You have true believers seeking to make a meaningful improvement in their lives,” Burgess says. “Sadly, however, some church leaders are far more interested in taking advantage of their congregation. Frequently, these rock star church leaders are exposed, yet many of us are surprised by news of corruption.” Burgess discusses these potential behind-the-scenes aspects of a megachurch and how it can affect members of a congregation. About Sharon B. Burgess Entrepreneur Sharon Burgess ventures into the life and four walls of the church with her inaugural novel, “Unraveled Faith.” As the ex-wife of a pastor, she faithfully serves in ministry, advocating for children and adults with mental and physical disabilities via various professional and community programs that facilitate independent living. Sharon holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science and public administration. She remains busy with helping the geriatric population and her a goal is to open a homeless shelter to aid individuals in getting job coaching, psychiatric counseling and everyday living skills to promote independent living.

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