Friday, January 28, 2022

Unplugged and Totally Uncut January 28th

 Today!!! Friday January 28th on Unplugged and Totally Uncut!!!

Hannah Brown has enjoyed plenty of national attention on The Bachelorette and Dancing With The Stars but that doesn't mean having a creative spirit protected her from reality. Her book is God Bless This Mess. 10am post

Then we're Playing It Forward with one of the funniest women shared with this generation and planet. What happens when things begin to twist and turn? You write a song about it! Judy Tenuta is Kicking Cancers Ass! 7pm post

The Art Of Listening Versus The Act Of Listening

 <a class="spreaker-player" href="" data-resource="episode_id=48482597" data-width="100%" data-height="200px" data-theme="light" data-playlist="false" data-playlist-continuous="false" data-chapters-image="true" data-episode-image-position="right" data-hide-logo="false" data-hide-likes="false" data-hide-comments="false" data-hide-sharing="false" data-hide-download="true">Listen to "The Art Of Listening Versus The Act Of Listening" on Spreaker.</a><script async src=""></script>

January 28, 2022

Is there a difference between the art of listening and the act of listening?  Lord knows there are many people that act they’re listening but they’ve actually tuned out.  Anytime you need a response they look like Bobble Heads saying, “Yup yup.”  A national producer recently sent me a note thanking me for letting his people of fame guests have a voice.  He said, “You have an art to listening.”  Which is interesting because I’m totally guilty of being a Bobble Head. If there’s any secret to what I do it’s based on questioning their answers.  I do that in full public view as well.  The best conversations begin with interaction.  It can’t be lopsided.  Ever been in one those where you feel like the bottom of a deep dark valley floor and the one doing the talking is a higher than the clouds jagged mountain?  In all things it’s gonna be about them.  They usually mean no harm!  We’re all guilty of stepping on that path as well.  It’s called being heard.  But is there an art to listening?  When do you know it’s time to pull away from the other person’s stage?  It’s probably when the pain in your neck gets worse because of Bobble Heading.  A radio program director once said to me, “You only have the attention of a listener for seven seconds.  Figure out what you’re going to do when you’ve been talking for eight, nine and now twenty seconds.  Always put yourself in the shoes of a listener.” 

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Unplugged and Totally Uncut January 27th

 Today!!! Thursday January 27th on Unplugged and Totally Uncut!!!

Scott Evans is a master at his craft and is quickly becoming one of the nations most loved game show hosts. America's Big Deal on USA. 10am post

Then we're Playing it Forward with Christopher Anderson thee top journalist when it comes to getting up close and personal with the royal family. His latest book is Brothers and Wives. 7pm post

The Daily Mess No Time To Talk

 <a class="spreaker-player" href="" data-resource="episode_id=48466769" data-width="100%" data-height="200px" data-theme="light" data-playlist="false" data-playlist-continuous="false" data-chapters-image="true" data-episode-image-position="right" data-hide-logo="false" data-hide-likes="false" data-hide-comments="false" data-hide-sharing="false" data-hide-download="true">Listen to "The Daily Mess No Time To Talk" on Spreaker.</a><script async src=""></script>

January 27, 2022

Unmasking the real conversation requires a physical act of trust.  Say that three times.  Allow it to sink into your thinking process.  Unmasking the real conversation requires a physical act of trust.  How much time will go by before the availability of actuality is shows the open door?  Too heavy?  I shy away from circles of personal conversation.  The fear of getting wrapped up in something that will challenge my or someone else’s trust.  We gossip by way of comparing chapters.  The internet has turned us into monsters.  My father was very stern about where you are currently placed.  If you’re caught up in a conversation talking about someone then what they saying about you?  You know how it is!  It’s been this way since elementary school.  People don’t keep stories to themselves.  It’ll either get back to the origin or the stories will fall into the wrong ears.  The waves of negative energy start to tarnish the image and imagination.  So I ask, “Is it safer to not unmask the real conversation or does it paint you as being standoffish and or uncaring?  What if we agreed to disagree about finding no time to have the real conversation? That’s a choice that too many have already adopted.  Choosing to be silent generates other stories.  When a few gather to whisper and they keep looking at you.  How about the coworker that can’t dropping the F bomb.  People hear it and because you were there you said it too.  Or being on the opposite end of a good ole fashioned finger pointing.  He was with them when they said!  Unmasking the real conversation requires a physical act of trust.  What side of the fence do you stand?    

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Unplugged and Totally Uncut January 25th

 Today!!! Tuesday January 25th on Unplugged and Totally Uncut!!!

Every nation and nationality has it's share of folklore and tales. National Geographic and Donna Jo Napoli have opened the eyes and hearts of readers with Treasure of Magical Tales From Around The World. 11am post

If The Sopranos was your binge watch then this podcast is for you. Woke Up This Morning hosted by actor Michael Imperioli. It's episode 138 of Pod Crashing where we introduce you to new things to listen to. 1pm post

Then we're Playing It Forward with Brittany Peet from Peta. It's all about shutting down Tiger King and other big cat operations. 7pm post.

Stream Thinking: Maybe It's The Food

 <a class="spreaker-player" href="" data-resource="episode_id=48438537" data-width="100%" data-height="200px" data-theme="light" data-playlist="false" data-playlist-continuous="false" data-chapters-image="true" data-episode-image-position="right" data-hide-logo="false" data-hide-likes="false" data-hide-comments="false" data-hide-sharing="false" data-hide-download="true">Listen to "Stream Thinking Maybe It&#39;s The Food" on Spreaker.</a><script async src=""></script>

January 25, 2022

I’m not a representative of the world of medicine.  I’m not a mental health professional.  I experience through awareness.  Being mindful.  Living a path of mindfulness.  Present.  Learning how to locate inner peace in a place and age where mental health is finally being talked about.  Globally there are a lot of people hurting. The stories we aren’t getting are those associated with how overcrowded the professional’s schedules are.  It’s become a challenge for millions trying to get mental help.  The answer seekers are receiving is the professional isn’t accepting new clients.  So many commercials are promoting online connections for those in need.  But you aren’t in the same place breathing each other’s air.  Human contact is in short supply.  With Zoom business burnout at an all-time high psychiatrists and psychotherapists are pushing pills and computer time.  Those needing are forced into caring for themselves.  Books of motivation, meditation and the Bible are calmers.  They help calm the storms and inner voices.  Fixing yourself should not be the answer.  Talking about this current state of mental health, a shortage of professionals helps open the process.  Don’t stop reaching out to doctors providing peace for your mind body and soul.  One professional that needs to be recognized for his dedication and loyalty to real people is Dr. Ian Smith the author of the book Burn Melt Shred.  He’s created a Facebook group specializing on free mental support.  Plus he Zooms for free! I realize it’s not in the same face to face place where the scent of the air matters but it’s a walk in the right direction when seeking peace. 

Friday, January 21, 2022

Unplugged and Totally Uncut January 21st

 Today!!! Friday January 21st on Unplugged and Totally Uncut!!!

Dr. Sylvia Earle has earned the name Her Deepness. A true hero of the planet which she proves in her latest book from National Geographics Ocean Global Odyssey. 10am post

Then we're Playing It Forward with actor, comedian and song parody master Chris Badnews Barnes. His new collection of laughter loving songs is Badnews Rising. 7pm post

How You Did

 <a class="spreaker-player" href="" data-resource="episode_id=48389683" data-width="100%" data-height="200px" data-theme="light" data-playlist="false" data-playlist-continuous="false" data-chapters-image="true" data-episode-image-position="right" data-hide-logo="false" data-hide-likes="false" data-hide-comments="false" data-hide-sharing="false" data-hide-download="true">Listen to "How You Did" on Spreaker.</a><script async src=""></script>

January 21, 2022

Heavy subject today.  It’ll probably push 98% of you away.  But it needs to be talked about.  Julia Cameron’s new book Seeking Wisdom.  In the opening chapter she invites readers to turn God into the way they want to see God.  Love it!  Or is that a judgement?  Whatever it takes to help warm a chilly heart.  Julia uses Adam and Eve as an example.  I know in my childhood of eight years and younger that story was used by preachers to scare me into horrid nightmares.  Yet, we truly didn’t see the other side of the love story.  The opening of the eyes to a universal display of God art.  The way Julia Cameron explains it is exactly how I discovered this author and teacher in July of 1994.  I was living a hardcore very strict life of art with no room for viewing other methods of outreach.  Once I began to study the wisdom inside The Artist’s Way the forbidden apple served more as an invitation to explore.  Back to the original thought.  Julia creates a path for you to see God as you want to see God.  The creative spirit that drives me has stepped back to welcome not only your God but your neighbors, school teachers, Mayors, Governors and all others.  Now we have a multi layered universe of God’s like Marvel and DC Comics.  No judgement.  Teach me your path.  I’m always the listener first.  A good friend sent a text yesterday, “Does suicide keep you out of Heaven?”  My reply, “Ask the keeper of your Heaven.  Hear what you want to know.”  Maybe on a personal level you’re stumbling and can’t locate the proper puppet strings to get beyond this thing called the New Normal.  I totally get it.  Getting professional help these days is like scoring a chicken sandwich at Chic Fil-A.  You’re gonna wait in a very very long line.  Don’t stop reaching for professional listeners.  They’re there!  And so is the G guy which according to Julia Cameron will be in whatever shape you wish to paint. 

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Unplugged and Totally Uncut January 20th

 Today!!! Thursday January 20th on Unplugged and Totally Uncut!!!

Charles R Smith and Edel Rodriquez are on a mission. Get the story of Jimi Hendrix into the hands of young adults and children. Music history can't be forgotten. A Song For Jimi. 10am post

Then we're Playing It Forward with John Lodge from The Moody Blues. His new live collection of music reminds fans and followers how important it is to experience music from his stage to your ears. 7pm post

You Don't Have To Know Everything

 <a class="spreaker-player" href="" data-resource="episode_id=48375594" data-width="100%" data-height="200px" data-theme="light" data-playlist="false" data-playlist-continuous="false" data-chapters-image="true" data-episode-image-position="right" data-hide-logo="false" data-hide-likes="false" data-hide-comments="false" data-hide-sharing="false" data-hide-download="true">Listen to "You Don&#39;t Need To Know Everything" on Spreaker.</a><script async src=""></script>

January 20, 2022

There are layers in our hearts.  Which always infects what we dream.  What we can’t do is allow it to poison what we see.  What they don’t tell you about living a mindful life is how difficult it is to stay in the present.  Especially one that’s consumed with a pandemic, horrid politics and always bad weather.  We get it!  The heart must remain clear.  Unlike ice we can’t throw salt onto it to break down the layers.  Being mindful is awareness.  Knowing how to stay truth filled without being taken over by the newer variants and senators that have vowed to protect a nation they are ripping apart.  We can’t control our dreams.  But we have full control of what we’re putting inside ourselves.  My father always told me, “You don’t have to know everything.”  Tell that to yourself over and over.  Set down the smartphone you don’t have to know everything.  Put away the news outlets you don’t have to know everything.  There’s snow back in the forecast. We could get four inches.  Can you control it?  You don’t have to know everything. There are layers in our hearts.  Which always infects what we dream.  What we can’t do is allow it to poison what we see.  You don’t have to know everything. 

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Unplugged and Totally Uncut January 19th...

 Today!!! Wednesday January 19th on Unplugged and Totally Uncut!!!

Charles Band is the undisputed king of the B movie genre industry. From Ghoulies to Trancers to Corona Zombies. Plus his very first babysitter was a girl name Marilyn Monroe. His book is Confessions of a Puppetmaster. 11am post

One of the hottest series on BET is Twenties. So hot that comes with its own after show hosted by blogger, podcaster and trend setter B Scott. 1pm post

Carmine Appice is looked upon as being one of the most brilliant drummers of all time. Now team him up with Fernando Perdomo on guitar and you've got a 100% Rock instrumental album that will truly live up to its name Energy Overload. 4pm post

Then we're Playing it Forward with U.S. Navy Seal Jocko Willink.
7pm post

The Daily Mess: Pushing Yourself Beyond The Binge Watch

 <a class="spreaker-player" href="" data-resource="episode_id=48364459" data-width="100%" data-height="200px" data-theme="light" data-playlist="false" data-playlist-continuous="false" data-chapters-image="true" data-episode-image-position="right" data-hide-logo="false" data-hide-likes="false" data-hide-comments="false" data-hide-sharing="false" data-hide-download="true">Listen to "The Daily Mess Pushing Yourself Beyond Binge Watching" on Spreaker.</a><script async src=""></script>

January 19, 2022

A quote from Blackish on ABC, “It’s never gonna be easy when you’re in a league of your own.”  This quote defines the presence of a leader versus a follower.  Yet I do believe many who’ve chosen to follow are doing it because of a lack of confidence and or don’t want to carry the weight of so many high business expectations.  How many people physically believe they’re in a league of their own?  To be there.  Can you stay there?  What are the daily requirements?  What happens if you admit to being a league of your own, does that label you conceited or confident?  Cam Newton is in a league of his own.  Being there means taking the verbal hits from fans and coaches.  Always getting blamed for losing or making awkward passes.  Pull the lens back.  Millions of dollars are spent on coaches that make decisions.  Not only that but Cam isn’t the only person on that playing field.  Yet it’s always Cam’s fault.  A league of their own.  Those who are, are they teaching others how to sharpen their skills and craft?  I call it the Yoda effect.  Passing the experience forward. What if Yoda had said no to Luke Skywalker?  The hardest part about being a league of your own isn’t recognizing it in others.  It’s being loyal to the next one holding the ball.   

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Unplugged and Totally Uncut January 18th

 Today!!! Tuesday January 18th on Unplugged and Totally Uncut!!!

Anytime you share a conversation with comedian George Wallace expect a total escape from the real world. 11am post

Tyler Perry is creating with him on Young Dylan. Jimmy Fallon has created a young adult talk show with him. He's a rapper and more. Dylan Gilmer!!! 1pm post

No day passes that we aren't looking for a new movie to watch. Former American Idol alumni Brooke White has the perfect romcom Funny Thing About Love. 4pm post

Then we're Playing It Forward with the keyboardist from the legendary Rock band Vanilla Fudge. All of those songs and the history that was written with them and he finally decides to do a solo album There's A Light. 7pm post

The Daily Mess: It All Melts Away

 <a class="spreaker-player" href="" data-resource="episode_id=48348738" data-width="100%" data-height="200px" data-theme="light" data-playlist="false" data-playlist-continuous="false" data-chapters-image="true" data-episode-image-position="right" data-hide-logo="false" data-hide-likes="false" data-hide-comments="false" data-hide-sharing="false" data-hide-download="true">Listen to "The Daily Mess It All Melts Away" on Spreaker.</a><script async src=""></script>

January 18, 2022

Snow and ice.  It still remains.  Nothing just disappears.  Look at your life and all that’s challenged the path.  All that once made the blizzard white canvas has slowly been replaced by what so many have left behind.  The message is to look beyond.  To face the moment of “Now” with a burning fire to touch an unwritten tomorrow.  A great example.  We couldn’t have gotten to this part of the conversation without the opening sentences.  Snow and Ice.  It still remains.  Living in the past is never the answer but you can use the experience as tools.  It’s what shapes right here right now.  Know though, like the snow it will soon melt away.  Maybe that’s the thing!  We’re so guilty of locking in on what we love that when it melts away we step back rather than forward.  Relationships are your greatest foundation.  How many of us still talk with coworkers we assumed were our friends?  The world moved forward and we’re stuck in the past wondering how and why the friendship was ghosted.  All things melt away.  What is your path in the aftermath? 

Monday, January 17, 2022

Unplugged and Totally Uncut January 17th

 Today!!! Monday January 17th on Unplugged and Totally Uncut!!!

Monday's are always dedicated to the authors writing stories for YA readers. Young Adult. This week's conversation is with Trudi Trueit who brings us The Dragon's Blood. It's part of the National Geographic Explorer Academy Series. 11am post

Pod Crashing is a great way to get introduced to some of the nations most listened to podcasts. Wait until you check in with The MLK Tapes. History is set to change. Hosted and written by William Klaber. 1pm post

Then we're Playing Forward with Carolina Rials who made a huge impact on Season 20 of NBC's The Voice. 7pm post