Monday, January 3, 2022

Stream Thinking: Face To Face

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I spent most of my December of 2021 observing people returning to office party celebrations. For many it was a struggle. One person told me that it seemed strange to take note of how tall a co-worker was versus what was being shared via Zoom. The craziness is far from over. The report today said we've had a 948% increase in Covid cases. We are human. We need interaction. Face to face. Person to person. To not only smell you but to feel your vocal vibrations fill the room. I made a choice in September of 2020 to get out there with people at a place of business sporting the label of being essential. This was long before the Delta variant kicked our tail. Learning to listen to people through their eyes is the best way I can describe the experience. I love it when people cruise through the grocery store just to have interaction. A new community has been lifted from the ashes. A man told me yesterday, "We've entered this new age of being heard as well as seen. Two years ago I was just another object in the way of others." Face to face.

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