Friday, May 26, 2017

Going Too High

Listen to "Going To High" on Spreaker. If you took 30 mins to sit in the center of a wandering public you'd quickly take note of the amazing amount of questions that people are asking. I love watching the person expected to know the answer. The top three things I hear "I don't know. Well maybe you're onto something. That's to big for me to understand." We think two year old's are terrible? In this age of digital process and Google we've evolved into wanting to know a lot of things. In February of 2016 I bumped into that subject while trying to piece together my sisters unexpected loss of her daughter. Being part of the circle I had a lot of questions only to go deeper then what I was supposed to. Reaching beyond the moment is where the lessons are learned. How do you react to answers when they've arrived and you just walked by because another question had unexpectedly appeared on the corners of your imagination meeting your lips?

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