Thursday, September 10, 2020

Play It Forward Episode 116 With Sally Cole Misch


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Hey it’s Arroe.  This is Play It Forward.  A look at the unexpected changes endured by entertainers, writers, camera people and all others affected but not infected by the global invasion of the Coronavirus. 

Real people.  Real stories.  The struggle to Play It Forward.  

Episode 116:  

Throughout her career, author Sally Cole-Misch has advocated for progressive environmental conservation and policy, urging people to recognize the value of nature in their lives in order to protect it. This passion and appreciation for the natural world comes through in her immersive debut novel The Best Part of Us.  

Yes, we share an incredible conversation about the book but we also go deep into the connections we need to be having with nature.  The very thing that could help millions of people nationwide sits only feet or inches from their nearest tough.  Being one with nature is a great mental and physical healer during these Covid 19 days and nights.

That’s Play It Forward.  You can listen to the full conversations with these artists on three different podcasts. Like Its Live, Unplugged and Totally Uncut and View from the Writing Instrument found on all digital platforms.

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