Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Great Solar Eclipse

Listen to "Great Solar Eclipse" on Spreaker. Maybe it's too early. But the most recent solar eclipse had to come with a mission and or story. Things so majestic and once in a lifetime don't appear in front of us for entertainment value. Rather than look upward at the bright light my choice was to sit in a forest. To observe nature during the process of the moons shadow silencing the sun's ray of light. What I fell witness to was a different vibration. All things in the forest except an owl became silent. There were no birds soaring through the tree limbs. There were no nearby deer or squirrels. The temperature dropped and then everything became faded. Not dark. But faded. I sat listening. To watch if God was going to whisper. To reach out and touch a spook if it escaped it's place in history. I was there to be aware. And what I found was a reason to keep evolving.

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