Thursday, May 31, 2018

Paul L Williams

Listen to "Paul L Williams Releases The Killing Of Uncle Sam" on Spreaker. America was once a democratic country, but it is now manipulated by a ‘money cabal’ bent on controlling the U.S. in order to safeguard and grow their own immense fortunes. How did a small group of the world’s richest families take over America’s economy for their own ends? The true history of America’s last 200 years is revealed in the new book, THE KILLING OF UNCLE SAM: The Demise of the United States of America, (River Publishing, May 22nd, 2018), which shares the shocking details of how America was taken over by an elitist machine. It started with Cecil Rhodes’s plan in 1877 to bring the U.S. back under the control of the British Empire, and continued with Rhodes joining forces with the powerful Rothchild banking family. Together they used their enormous resources to plunder Africa, which funded their conquest of America. Their plotting continues to today, with such bodies as the U.N., CIA, and more under their direct control.

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