Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Unplugged and Totally Uncut May 26th

 Today May 26th on Unplugged and Totally Uncut!!!

World Heavy Weight Champion Drew McIntyre gets real about the ring as well as the fan. His book says it best Chosen Destiny. 11am post No matter who won NBC's The Voice Kenzie Wheeler is going to do quite fine in the moments that lay ahead. Who is this kid and that voice! 1pm post Do you believe in Crop Circles? Are they messages from space aliens? What if it's energy is coming from beneath the surface of the earth. Crop Circle Realities. We're talking with Darcy Weir and Gary King. 4pm post Then we're Playing It Forward with Michael Brewer from Brewer and Shipley. Was the song One Toke Over The Line truly taken off the radio because of subject matter? What happened in the moments before the song was written? Were they toking? 7pm post

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