Monday, October 27, 2014

Merry Christmas from YOYO

When "I" created Unplugged and Totally Uncut for I Heart Radio last year. It was never supposed to be anything more than a place for creative imaginations to hook up. Sweden's YOYO has pushed the writing instrument to a level of unexpected expression. It's never too early for a great piece of Christmas music. I issued a challenge for Poet';s to write new material and YOYO didn't just sit there. When I set out to create a journey through Radio's next level of play. I knew the adventure would be overwhelming as well as creative by way of building lasting relationships with writers, producers and performers around the world. But no where in the process of putting thought into action did I ask for the end result of another author's writing instrument. And for that I am deeply grateful. But know in your heart that there are millions of writers, poets and musicians hiding in their homes. They fear the judgment of others. My only ambition in creating these three I Heart Radio channels is to invite the timid to step outside and play. The world is waiting for your music and all things creative. I believe in you... All it takes is one to begin a process of art filled success. YOYO's new Christmas song is available on Amazon, ITunes and so many other places of creative flow.

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