Thursday, December 24, 2020

Santa Did It

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December 24, 2020

I know for a fact I’m not the only one admitting this.  Not a good night last night.  With all that’s moving around us and through us I’m shocked that any of us are still standing.  My eyes were shut by my mind wouldn’t shut down.  Did I meditate?  Did I rely on Nidra to calm the inner core of a war?  Nope.  I got up to write.  Not a good decision.  Once the creative imagination is activated there’s a required time it demands to play out before checking out.  11:58pm quickly became 2:51am.  There’s not enough coffee in the world to wake up this writer.  Not even a walk through the forest on a rainy Christmas Eve Day is going to play well.  Nobody wants a warrior that fails to show up during a time of need.  Here’s the thing.  I said it in the beginning.  I’m not the only one present in this storm.  What I’ve learned through several years of study is how to make and take the biggest step.  You need to stay away from the headlines.  I’m talking more than Chris Cuomo and Rush Limbaugh.  Your headlines.  Oh my daughter hates me again.  How am I going to pay that bill?  Amazon didn’t deliver that package.  Back away from the headlines.  I’m gonna say something that’s going to fly miles above your head.  I’m ok if you have to go back and read it three or four times.  Lord knows when it fell out of my writing instrument I sat there thinking, “WTF?”  Pay attention.  As a people we’ve allowed ourselves to be bombarded by unfactual actuals and brain washed examples that are built to resemble authentic stars in a daylight sky.  As a people.  You and me.  Your neighbors and family.  As a people.  We’ve allowed ourselves to be bombarded by unfactual actuals and brain washed examples that are built to resemble authentic stars in a daylight sky.  I didn’t start writing at 11:58pm because I was depressed, felt fear, shame, doubt and anxiety.  That creative little wild monkey inside needed to see the light of day at midnight.  That energy source where thoughts are no longer ideas but turn into physical steps of reality.  So many of us are consumed by our headlines that we’ve forgotten how to be us.  Candy coated plastic bathroom mirror smiles waiting to be turned into a Facebook post.  No matter who you are or where you live.  You were born to be creative.  This nation.  This planet cannot get back on its feet in post Covid without your creative energy and source.  Now is the time to give it some love and attention.  Do not quit your creative self.  Sure you’ve had to readjust but it’s not over.  You are needed to make things work.  Tap into your creative self.  Listen to its expectations.  Be nice to it.  Allow your inner child to have a voice in the reconstruction of the world.  11:58pm is only a number.  Use your experiences on this journey to evolve into chapter of resurrected success.    

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